Allow at least 3 metres to allow fire trucks to pass quickly and safely

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Allow at least 3 metres to allow fire trucks to pass quickly and safely

Recently, we attended a structure fire on this street. Thankfully, we weren’t attending a fire this weekend, as these parked cars would have slowed us down. Seconds count in an emergency.

When you park in streets and roadways, be mindful not to obstruct the road for large vehicles. Fire trucks aren’t the only large vehicles that need more room, garbage trucks, food delivery trucks, and removalists use these roads and need clear and safe access.

Here are some tips for parking safely:

  • Don’t double park
  • Don’t park fully or partially across a driveway except for 2 minutes to pick up or drop off passengers
  • Don’t park if there is fewer than 3 metres of clear road left for other traffic
  • Don’t park a car on a footpath, nature strip or reservation
  • Don’t park across a footpath, bicycle path or passageway or footpath ramp, unless a sign allows it
  • Don’t park on a curve or crest of a hill outside a built-up area, unless your vehicle is visible for 100 metres from behind, or there is a sign allowing it
  • Don’t park next to a continuous yellow line on the edge of the road (curb).
  • Don’t park within 1 metre of a fire hydrant, fire hydrant indicator or fire plug indicator.


By following these tips, you can help keep our community (and your car) safe.

Additional parking rules can be found on the VicRoads website.

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